7 Photo Tips To Show Off Your Pet’s Best Side With Your Samsung Galaxy 16/05/23

By Holly, Mozillion Team

Taking professional looking photos of family members is not only possible these days, but is also a new hobby for many who previously just didn’t have a good enough camera on their phone.

With Samsung making some of the best smartphone cameras around, if you own a decent Samsung Galaxy S-series phone now, you are literally using some of the same kit as Oscar-winning directors, and have the latest advancements in mobile photography at your fingertips.

Animals are notoriously difficult to photograph as they tend to move around and a lot of the time are terrible at posing. However there are some mobile photography tricks you can use to showcase your furry or feathered friend in their best possible light.

1. Get eye to eye

If you get down to your pet’s eye level, you can get a much more intimate and personal shot that captures not only their stunning features but also their love for you. Just try not to get too licked in the process.

2. Bribes

Treats and toys are vital if you want to keep an animal’s attention for more than a few seconds. Obviously this is probably the most effective with some dogs who will do literally anything for a treat, but most animals have a favourite toy that they like to look at or play with so factor that into the photography process.

3. Use the right photo mode


Portrait mode isn’t just for humans. It creates a depth of field that makes your photos look much more professional by keeping your pet in focus and blurring the background.

4. Lighting is key


Using natural light can make all the difference when photographing your pet. Position your subject near a window or well-lit area if you are indoors and you will reap the rewards. There are also times of day that are even better suited for photography such as an hour after sunrise or an hour before sunset when the sun is low on the horizon.

5. Night mode


For atmospheric shots at night, the Galaxy S23 Ultra has the most advanced camera sensor and a fast processor which reduces noise in low light using Night mode. To access this mode, simply go to the ‘More’ option on the Camera. The S22 Ultra can also take pretty impressive night shots too.

6. Capture shots without them noticing


Sometimes that stunning animal shot is that little bit further away like a bird on a branch. Luckily with up to 100x zoom on the Galaxy S23 and S22 Ultra, you can pretend you are part of the crew on the latest David Attenborough with beautiful shots taken from far away.

7. Edit and improve


Using your Galaxy device’s editing tools can make your photos even more spectacular. Simply cropping the picture to remove distractions, adjusting brightness, contrast and highlights for example, you can make a massive difference to the final result.